Scene In A Book
This was the 2011 project for my local miniatures club,
Mini Hearts Together.
First, we put together a wooden box.
There was no front, and the back could be opened or closed.
Half tubes from rolls of paper towels were covered with textured wallpaper,
painted, then glued to the scalloped edges of the front to form the books,
then the sides of the box were also covered with painted wallpaper.
The top and back of the box have tightly scored wood to simulate paper,
with wallpaper covered "spines" to match the book fronts.
A piece of black matboard with window and door openings
cut out
went in behind the book fronts,
then an actual miniature window and door inserted.
I adapted my picture window to look Tudor style with
wooden mullions and lead tape forming a diamond pattern.
The full glass door supplied by the club was filled in with wooden panels
for a period look, as my box was going to become a Tudor apothecary shop.

My interior walls are a faux half timbering, and the 'slate'
floor is made from Paperclay. I furnished my shop with several pieces of
period furniture made by Michael Mortimer of England,
except for a spice box on the wall which I made.
For lighting, I used a 110 watt fixture on the ceiling and
a battery operated "brazier" in the center of the floor.

Though you cannot make it out well in the photo, in the
shop is an herb woman by Blackfoot Daisy mixing up a potion from among the
many herbs she has in the shop. (You can see a better picture of her by
checking out the Druid's Tower project.)The back wall of the shop shows
a trompe l'oeil
stone wall with a doorway leading in to a stone passage.