The Crystal Garden

Ron Mummert taught a one inch scale class using the basic structure of this piece in 2011. At the show, he had a couple of half inch scale versions for sale - one dressed, one undressed. I bought the undressed version -
I got white plastic walls, roof and doors plus
gatorboard side walls and flat floor.

I built a gatorboard platform, covered the solid walls in paperclay sculpted to look like stone, and sprayed the plastic black to look like wrought iron.
There are steps at front and back.

I build the arched entrance with its short walls, and covered it with spackle sculpted to look like stone. I added some metal gates I had after cutting them to size, and some wooden railings on the short walls.
Then I had some fun!

I made almost every flower and tree you see. Some were from kits, mainly SDK Miniatures flower kits. Many from my own imagintation.

Over the front archway is a bouganvilla wine.
On either side of the arch just inside are hibiscus trees.
You can see the tallest of my palm trees,
but can you spotthe parrot on its top?

Against the right hand wall is a clematis on a trellis,
with coneflowers, iris and zinnias below it.

You can see a small palm in the center of this picture.
Its base is a sheared pine cone!

There is also a hibiscus shrub and some begonias.
The small topiary is from Model Builders.

On the right side of the building is another flower bed with more
coneflowers, iris and zinnias.

You can see into the conservatory from the back.
There is another palm tree, potted orchids and fuschia,
statuary and a hanging mandevilla vine above a bench
made from a kit by BJ Miniatures.

Outside on the left is a birdbath surrounded by iris.
On the right is a gazing globe and an angel trumpet.

Do you see the other parrot atop the wall?
There are more birds in the front garden, and a possum somewhere along the side. All the birds and possum are by Barbara Myers.

Any questions about how I did anything?
Email me at